Growth Mindset & Impacts of Xponential Technologies

We live in Exponential times and we humans are linear thinkers: We pr oject where things are going to be by looking in the past. In the 21st century, many of us can create big changes and the change is exponential, not linear. E.g.

- The cost of transportation, food, and communication has become more than 100 times cheaper which is an exponential decline
- The cost of computing, bandwidth, and storage continues to decline exponentially
- The cost of renewable sources of energy (e.g. Solar) is declining exponentially
- Human Longevity has doubled in the last 100 years
- Money and resource availability is growing exponentially (crowdsourcing, crowdfunding ,… )
- Education and literacy has grown exponentially
- World Poverty is declining exponentially
- Today Small companies can do things that in the past only governments or big multinationals could do ( e.g. Space X versus NASA, INSTAGRAM with 13 employees had a valuation of 1 billion)
- 1 individual with Smartphone has more power in his/her hands than any president of any country 20 years ago

Do you Know how to

. Analyze the business ecosystem ?
. Create the foundation for a new differentiating strategy using examples from recent successful innovations ?
. Use the right mindset for sustainable growth ?

Please have a look at the attached presentation to find answers

Growth Mindset & Impacts of Xponential Technologies

and if you want to know more please check

#differentiation #growth #mindset
#Exponential #innovation #sustainability


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